At least 47 people have died in a passenger plane crash in Taiwan.
Local media reports from soon after the crash put the death toll at 51, with 7 injuries, but Taiwan's transportation minister recently confirmed that 47 people died and 11 were injured in the crash.
The TransAsia Airways flight was reportedly trying to make an emergency landing on a small island in typhoon conditions.
The storm was centered over mainland China, but Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau was advising heavy rain for Taiwan, according to the Associated Press.
The plane reportedly crashed into residential buildings on its way down, according to The Straits Times in Singapore.
The flight took off from Kaohsiung International Airport in Taiwan at about 5 p.m. local time and was flying to Penghu’s Magong Airport, the South China Morning Post reports.
The plane's captain reportedly lost contact with the control tower before the crash landing at about 7 p.m. It was the aircraft's second attempt to land. There were 58 people aboard the plane.
Hundreds of rescuers have been dispatched to the scene.
TransAsia Airways is a Taiwanese airline that makes mostly domestic flights.
These photos reportedly show the scene of the crash:
Reports said pilot was having problems landing the plane in Penghu due to typhoon.
— The Straits Times (@STcom) July 23, 2014
Photo shows TransAsian #GE222 crash site at Magog airport in Taiwan
— WorldMic (@World_Mic) July 23, 2014
#TransAsia Airways plane crash: Total causalities unknown yet; Taiwanese officials will give 2nd press conf late
— People's Daily,China (@PDChina) July 23, 2014
A reporter for the South China Morning Post is tweeting updates about the scene:
RT @anthonywx: Unbelievably, this was the radar near the time of the crash of this plane in Taiwan.
— Danny Lee 李嘉洪 (@JournoDannyAsia) July 23, 2014
Here is the TransAsia tailfin of ATR-72 of Taiwan plane crash with 51 feared dead, 7 injured. From Apple Daily TW
— Danny Lee 李嘉洪 (@JournoDannyAsia) July 23, 2014
As you can see, the mangled wreckage of buildings and plane, after it tried emergency landing during Typhoon weather
— Danny Lee 李嘉洪 (@JournoDannyAsia) July 23, 2014
Here's where the plane was trying to land: