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Tesla's Battery Factory Could Be Great For A Bankrupt California City (TSLA)


elon musk tesla

Based on reports that have emerged over the past few weeks, it looks like California is back in the running as a location for Tesla's Gigfactory — a massive facility that will build the advanced lithium-ion batteries needed to get the electric carmaker to the next level.

Nevada, Texas, New Mexico — these were the states that appeared to be in a better position to become the Gigafactory's home than California.

But there's been some chatter about Elon Musk and his company potentially taking over an old U.S. Navy facility near San Francisco. And now, according to the Los Angeles Times' Marc Lifsher, the Northern California city of Stockton could also be a candidate.

It's "shaping up as a leading in-state contender," Lifsher wrote.

The arrival of a $5-billion new-economy manufacturing hub, along with its projected 6,000-plus jobs, would be just what the doctor ordered for Stockton. The city, about an hour's drive northeast of Tesla's Fremont, Calif. assembly line, went bankrupt in 2012.Stockton bankruptcy newspaper rackIts reign as the largest city in U.S. history to go bust didn't last long — Detroit topped Stockton in 2013.

The housing downturn and unsustainable municipal debt were to blame for Stockton's woes (some observers also blamed pension obligations and unions). The city of 300,000 still hasn't emerged from Chapter 9 (the muni version of Chapter 11), but it's expected to later this year.

Some prominent Californians weren't thrilled when it seemed that the state had lost its shot at the Gigafactory. And Stockton's troubles were emblematic of how rough the financial crisis was for the state.

But if Tesla ultimately locates its battery factory there, a lot of residents might decide that the city's luck has finally turned.

A deal that Tesla reportedly just signed with Panasonic to partner for the Gigafactory indicates that the facility, which will supply Tesla with enough batteries to power 500,000 vehicles, is on track to become a reality. 

SEE ALSO: Now California Might Get Tesla's Gigafactory After All

SEE ALSO:  Markets More: Tesla Tesla Signs Deal With Panasonic On Gigafactory

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5 Brilliant Strategies That Make Honda One Of The World's Most Innovative Companies


Honda employees

The path to writing "Driving Honda: Inside The World's Most Innovative Car Companybegan with a question that perplexed me: If globalization was supposed to be such a boon to multinationals, why are so many large manufacturers struggling to make money outside of their home markets?

Few global manufacturers would admit it publicly, but in many private conversations with executives I heard some version of this statement: "We're selling more products than ever in China and South America and other emerging markets, but our profit margins there are minuscule to flat, when they even exist."

To address this puzzle, I sought to find companies that could serve as successful models for multinationals operating in a globalized commercial environment; I hoped to identify the characteristics that make an individual business more likely to generate high profit margins, innovate, behave in socially responsible ways, and be strategically creative wherever it establishes a foothold. Almost immediately, Honda Motor Co. fit the bill.

To begin with, Honda has looked outward from its home shores well before other manufacturers considered making or even selling products overseas. As long ago as the 1950s, when Honda was only a few years old, the company's founder, Soichiro Honda, bemoaned the limited growth opportunities in "little Japan," declaring that Honda Motor must "maintain an international viewpoint" and perceive the rest of the world as its potential customer base and factory footprint.

It's no surprise, then, that Honda began selling motorcycles in the U.S. as early as 1959 and autos a few years later. Nor that Honda stunned the auto industry with its 1974 Civic, the first car to meet stringent U.S. Clean Air Act emissions standards even as the large American automakers and Toyota were claiming it was impossible to economically produce an engine that lived up to the act's goals. Or that Honda became the first non-domestic automaker to successfully manufacture cars in the U.S. when it opened its Anna plant in 1982.

Honda's aggressive early globalization strategy in the U.S. was followed by similar successful forays in other parts of the world: It was the first Japanese company to produce cars in China and its earnings record in India and Southeast Asia and other far-flung regions is the envy of the auto industry.

In large part because of its approach to global operations, Honda, a relative industrial newbie, has a lot to boast about: By a large margin, Honda is the preeminent engine maker in the world with an output of more than 20 million internal combustion motors annually; Honda has never posted a loss in its history, and its automobile operating profit ratios of about 5% consistently top the industry; Honda's stock price has nearly doubled since September 2008, when the global economy collapsed; and Honda vehicles are the most durable and long-lasting of any automaker, with 75% of its cars and trucks sold in the last 25 years still on the road. 

What then has made Honda excel so adeptly as a global multinational? The secret strategic sauce that distinguishes Honda from other manufacturers can be broken down into five ingredients:

1. Don't globalize, localize.

Unlike Toyota and most other multinationals in any industry, Honda is not a top-down company, controlled by headquarters. Instead, Honda manufacturing subsidiaries virtually everywhere around the world operate as autonomous companies, designing and producing vehicles based on local conditions and consumer behavior.

In "The Machine That Changed the World," the landmark book about automobile lean manufacturing, the authors praised Honda's localization strategy for "its conviction about doing it all in one place" — in other words, combining engineering, design, and manufacturing functions in each of its large local facilities. By contrast, virtually all industrial companies keep R&D and other technical and design functions close to home, where they can be managed by executives who are miles removed from local preferences and circumstances.

2. Embrace paradox.

Honda is a questioning, knowledge-rich organization, which demands that its workers at all levels continually poke holes in the status quo. They do that through daily, often spontaneous meetings known as "waigaya" during which decisions, large and small, are reevaluated and turned on their head in hopes of finding a better strategic or tactical choice.

Throughout its relatively short history, Honda has welcomed paradox as a way to promote critical thinking and reassess the so-called common wisdom, shaping new responses to ingrained expectations. As one Honda executive put it: "Waigaya to me means perpetual dissatisfaction. At our company, self-satisfaction is the enemy." The value of this system to a multinational organization is immeasurable.

Nothing is more important for global companies today than having the dexterity to be simultaneously local and international, to swiftly respond to regional preferences while scaling operating tactics and manufacturing improvements around the world. And as Honda's success in the international arena demonstrates, this capability is directly linked to unremittingly reexamining with every new automobile model — more broadly, with every new undertaking what is already believed to be true.

3. Robots? Not so fast.

Even as most major industrial corporations view robots and other forms of automation as the best way to reduce costs and maintain productivity, Honda prefers a different path. Honda's factories are purposefully the most labor intensive in the auto industry, employing robots only in areas that are dangerous or otherwise obviously less fit for humans than machines.

Honda believes that assemblers become disengaged and their enthusiasm for their jobs and, by extension, local innovation is muted by the presence of machines whose sole purpose is to build cars cheaper and faster than humans.

As Honda sees it, that output and quality standards are too often set to the levels that the technology can achieve and rather than the boundless creativity of human imagination. Consequently, to enhance performance in a local facility, a new piece of equipment would have to be purchased, instead of a new potentially revolutionary process invented. "Once you automate, you're incapable of further improvement," said Sean McAlinden, chief economist at the Center for Automotive Research, paraphrasing Honda's perspective.

4. Put an engineer in the hot seat.

Since Honda's founding in 1949 all of the company's CEOs (including the father of the company, Soichiro Honda) have been engineers, veterans of Honda's prized autonomous research and development unit. That's an extraordinary record: Conventional wisdom among multinationals holds that the most effective chief executives are specialists in marketing, sales, or perhaps accounting — anything but engineering.

As a result, even CEOs in technologically based industries, like pharmaceuticals or computer hardware and software, tend to know little about designing or manufacturing the products that they sell or managing the global supply chain or factory footprint. That's often why CEOs favor centralization in which their most loyal lieutenants near headquarters oversee distributed operations, acting as both a trusted proxy and informant for the chief executive.

Reared in R&D, Honda CEOs' strengths lie in product and process innovation, primarily in designing new vehicle models and features and in conceiving fresh techniques for building them faster and better. Consequently, their success as managers is measured not by quarter-to-quarter results but instead by how well they cultivate individual creativity throughout the organization and how well they disburse Honda's unique corporate culture to its decentralized localization strategy to produce continuous innovation.

5. Focus on factory flexibility.

Unlike other manufacturers, Honda can seamlessly produce multiple autos on a single assembly line, one after another, and switch a line over to a newly designed vehicle within hours. By contrast, it can take months for Honda's rivals to retool a factory for a new vehicle.

One way Honda achieves this is through in-house engineering co-located at each major production facility, serving as an independent operation that is focused solely on local needs. Any problems that arise in the flexible factory can be addressed immediately by this team — which at most companies resides near headquarters and reports to corporate top executives — ensuring that the steady stream of automobiles going through the line is not impeded.

Such an efficient and nimble factory is the Holy Grail for all manufacturers and Honda has earned high marks from auto analysts for its ability to deftly navigate this challenge. In globalization terms, the advantage Honda gains is in being able to alter production and capacity of individual models at a moment's notice, depending on local sales trends and the success of competitive brands.

Honda invented the flexible factory through an innovation known as synchronized engineering: all of the vehicles coming into a factory's assembly zones share common designs, such as similar locations and installation techniques for functions like brakes or transmission. As a result, assemblers are agnostic about which car they are building because in the factory only small variations differentiate, say, an Odyssey from an Accord V6.

Jeffrey Rothfeder is an award-winning journalist and former editor-in-chief at International Business Times. His latest book is "Driving Honda: Inside The World's Most Innovative Car Company."

SEE ALSO: The 50 Most Innovative Companies In The World

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North Korea Could Easily Target South Korea's Largest Airport


Incheon international airport aerial

The heavily-trafficked airport that has the potential to be the site of a major military assault is far away from the ongoing turmoil in Israel, Syria, Iraq, or Ukraine.

Instead, the airport most susceptible to a rocket strike could be Incheon International Airport, near Seoul, South Korea.

Incheon is considered one of the best airports in the world. It won a 2014 Airport Service Quality Award from Airport Council International, its ninth win in as many years. The airport has a casino, a golf course, and a spa. It handled more than 41 million passengers in 2013.

With such a plethora of entertainment options, it is easy to forget that Incheon is located within striking range of the North Korean artillery pieces that ring the world's longest militarized border. 

"If North Korea decided to start a war with the U.S., where most of its verbal threats are, it would strike Incheon," Steven Frischling, blogger and aviation security analyst, told Business Insider. "Taking out Incheon and Gimpo [the second major South Korean airport] would be the first warning shot." 

"North Korea can easily hit it," Frischling said. "They can easily target the airport far back from the DMZ." 

If North Korea were to attack Incheon, South Korea could do little to protect the aircraft or passengers at the airport. 

"None of the aircraft in Korean or Japanese airlines have any defenses. It wouldn't be surface-to-air missiles taking out the aircraft anyway; it would just be missiles and bombs taking out the airport," Frischling said. 

Incheon "would be a primary target if North Korea ever woke up and decided they wanted to do something," he added. 

Little suggests that North Korea is an immediate threat to shell the airport or to take potshots at planes flying out of South Korea's international gateway. The situation remains tense in the Korean Peninsula — but an attack on Incheon is more of an operational possibility rather than an imminent scenario.

Still, North Korea, which has the world's fifth-largest military by manpower, is prone to unexpected acts of aggression.

In May, North Korea fired at least one shell at a South Korean patrol ship. In 2010, North Korea came dangerously close to sparking a major escalation in the Peninsula when it shelled South Korea's Yeonpyeong Island, killing two soldiers and sending dozens of civilians fleeing from their homes. The north routinely fires ballistic missiles into the sea. 

North Korea has carried out limited operations against Incheon Airport in the past. In 2012, North Korea jammed the GPS navigation systems of airliners flying into the airport, although the flights managed to land without incident. South Korea claimed in January that North Korea carried out military exercises that simulated an attack on Incheon. 

South Korea and North Korea technically still remain at war, as the Korean War ended in 1953 with an armistice that is still in place.

SEE ALSO: North Korea's military in 3 maps

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A French Luxury Car Brand Is Growing Surprisingly Fast In China


Citroen DS

In 2013, French automaker Citroen sold 3,500 DS luxury vehicles in China.

That made it practically a rounding error in the Chinese luxury car market. But what a difference a year makes.

According to Chinese news outlet Gasgoo, Citroen DS deliveries have risen to 10,400 in just the first half of 2014 — a substantial increase and a sign that the carmaker's goal of selling 200,000 DS vehicles by 2017 isn't so farfetched.

Citroen — or rather its parent company, PSA Peugeot Citroen — is, like all Western car companies, partnered in joint ventures with Chinese carmakers to build vehicles in the Middle Kingdom. At the moment, the luxury DS brand trails market leaders Audi and BMW by a wide margin. In fact, Citroen DS is dead last.

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But the brand's rapid progress over a relatively short period of time is worth keeping an eye on. Meanwhile, check out this stylish video of DS production in China:

SEE ALSO: Citroen's Bizarre New Car Ad Stars A Silver-Haired Baby Riding A Horse

SEE ALSO: A Famous French Philosopher Perfectly Explained What Cars Mean To Modern Culture

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A Tanker Carrying Kurdish Crude Is Doing Donuts In The Gulf Of Mexico


Earlier today, a federal judge ordered U.S. Marshals to seize any barrels offloaded from a tanker carrying oil originating from Kurdistan, after the Iraqi government successfully sued to halt the shipment, FuelFix's Rhiannon Meyers reports.

Baghdad said the crude had bypassed the state-owned oil company, which claims the right to broker all oil produced inside Iraq, Meyers says. Judge Nancy Johnson of the Southern District of Texas ruled the Iraqi government has the right to contract with the U.S. Marshals Service to take custody of any barrels that come within her court's jurisdiction, which runs nine miles into the Gulf.

It is not known who the buyer is. The shipment is worth more than $100 million according to Reuters.

So now the ship, the United Kalavryta, is drifting in a donut-esque formation in the Gulf of Mexico as it awaits its fate. Here's a live look at its last known coordinated from Marine Traffic. Thanks to @PCDunham for pointing this out.

marine traffic

And here's the zoomed out view.

marine traffic

SEE ALSO: Stunning Timelapse Map Shows 14 Years Of Fracking In America

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Three Things Tesla Must Deliver For The Model 3 To Succeed


elon musk tesla

Tesla announced this month that it's planning to build an electric car for the mass consumer.

The Model 3 will arrive in 2017, following the much-anticipated Model X crossover, which is due to hit the streets next year.

The $35,000 Model 3 will be the cheapest vehicle yet to emerge from Tesla's Fremont, Calif. factory.

But its success won't be automatic. Here are three things the Model 3 must deliver to succeed. 

Battery Range, Battery Range, Battery Range

Every conversation about electric cars seems to begin and end with battery range. The Model 3 is no exception.  

"The current electric car market is flush with $35,000 cars, and they all have identical range specs of 60-90 miles," says Karl Brauer, senior market analyst for Kelley Blue Book(KBB). "If the Tesla Model 3 can't significantly increase that range, it will sell about as well as the others — which isn't very well."

The current market leader for electric cars is Tesla's own Model S. But at the Model 3's expected price point, the Nissan Leaf that reigns supreme. However, with just over 22,000 units sold in 2013 and only 12,000 units sold so far this year, the Leaf isn't going to make the internal-combustion engine vanish any time soon. 

2013 nissan leafTesla doesn't want to sell 20,000 or 30,000 Model 3s each year — it wants to sell hundreds of thousands of them. In order to meet those lofty expectations, they've got to overcome the consumer's range anxiety and liberate the electric car from its never-ending search for a charging stations, Jack R. Nerad, executive market analyst for KBB told Business Insider.

"If you can't get it to drive for an overnight trip without recharging, it's just not going to work for a lot of people." 

Just exactly how much range a mass-market electric should have is debated. Something in the 60-90 mile ballpark is obviously not enough. Tesla's Model S P85, with 265 miles of range, deals with the anxiety issue but is too expensive at nearly $80,000. However, a middle ground of 180-200 miles may allow the Model 3 to have the "versatility and usability" that Nerad believes the car needs to capture the minds — and wallets — of consumers.

Reduced Charge Times

There are significant differences between the Model 3's potential buyers and those customers currently lining up to reserve the Model S. Model S buyers are tech-savvy early adopters. Potential Model 3 buyers aren't. Early adopters will tolerate the quirks of their new toys, including extended recharging times. People who are used to a quick stop at the pump in order to drive another 300 miles aren't likely to be as patient.

"A minimum of 30 minutes to charge your car is too long," said Nerad. "Most people are barely willing to spend five minutes at the gas station." 

Tesla Battery Swap One solution is Tesla's battery swap program that, for $60-$80, can swap out a car's drained batter for a fully charged one in 90 seconds. However, the program is still in its infancy, and it's unclear whether Tesla can implement it on a large enough scale. Before Tesla, fellow tech startup Better Place offered its own battery swap service that failed to gain traction, ending with the company's liquidation in 2013.

Must Remain Affordable

In addition to a pleasant user experience, Tesla must deliver the Model 3 on time and at the announced $35,000 price point. One of the Model 3's assumed competitive advantages is the perception that you'll be getting a Tesla for the price of a Leaf. If the cost of the Model 3 creeps up, it starts to look like a downsized Model S. 

The main challenge for an affordable Model 3 is the potential cost of its battery packs. However, that's where the company's new gigafactories would come into play, John Voelcker, senior editor for Green Car Reports, told CNET. According to Voelcker, without the new gigafactories, not only will Tesla struggle to hit the $35,000 price point, it won't even be able to come close to making enough batteries for the Model 3 to hit production targets.  

SEE ALSO: We Spent A Weekend With Infiniti's New Luxury Sedan — Here's How It Stacks Up Against The Competition

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Morgan Stanley Auto Analyst: I Am Skeptical Of Every Automaker Except Tesla (TSLA)


teslaMorgan Stanley auto analyst Adam Jonas has established himself as a Tesla bull. In May he said all electric vehicles were on life support save those of the Palo Alto-based automaker. Then in June, he recounted how a BMW engineer had told him Tesla had "reinvigorated the spirit of automobile innovation."

Today, he again makes the case that Tesla is the only automaker you should care about.

But first he summarizes the state of the industry, which has seen — on the surface at least — impressive sales growth in 2014. But Jonas isn't buying it.

"The US auto cycle has clearly moved from a 'need to buy,' to an 'I just want to buy' type of consumer mindset," he writes. "Forgive our contrarian instincts if this alignment of factors makes us want to head in the opposite direction."

Why is this problematic? Jonas has previously written that while dealers are banking more deals, they're doing so on overly generous terms. Today he reiterates this:

The 2 most unsettling (and underreported) trends in the US cycle include extended loan maturities and inflated residual values. The resulting low monthly payments create the image of affordability, enabling the purchase of bigger, higher priced cars. The monthly data shows rising ATPs, suggesting improved pricing, when precisely the opposite is occurring. Consumers buy cars like they buy houses - lower payment, bigger car. There is a dark side to all this.

He also argues that traditional automakers have become heavily dependent on growth in China, where there is a heavy risk of getting undercut on prices. And many are now finding themselves in a spending "arms race" that will see capex climb inexorably, putting pressure on those who invest efficiently. 

As a result, he likes none of the big automakers. Who does he like? Tesla, obviously. But also, companies that are going to lead the driverless-car revolution:

The race for autonomous cars creates some of the most exciting supplier investment opportunities and pair trades in a generation. The logical conclusion of connected vehicles is a future that liberates human beings from the boredom, the burden and the dangers of driving. We see great amounts of wealth being created and unevenly redistributed across the supply base as the role of software engulfs the value of the vehicle. [Delphi] (MS Best Idea), [TRW Automotive] and [BorgWarner] are our key secular picks. We see [Tesla] both as an autonomous hegemony-setter and the only car manufacturer with meaningful upside. [Magna International] (top pick) and [Lear] offer more cyclical upside with optimization of cap structure.

Tesla reports earnings on Thursday. 

SEE ALSO: Tesla Reportedly Signs Deal With Panasonic On Gigafactory

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22 Quotes By Richard Branson That Take You Inside The Mind Of The Self-Made Billionaire


richard branson vomit comet zero G

When Richard Branson was 16, he started a magazine called "Student."

Six years later, he opened up a recording studio. The company's first song — a track called "Tubular Bells" by Mike Oldfield — stayed on the U.K. charts for 247 weeks. 

The Virgin empire had begun.

Now at 64, Branson is equal parts man, myth, and legend. His Virgin Group is composed of 400 companies, employs 60,000 people, and operates in more than 30 countries. He has an estimated net worth of $5 billion.

Branson also has a flair for the dramatic. He's crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a hot air balloon and kite-surfed across the English Channel.

To gain an understanding of the adventurous, wildly successful entrepreneur, we combed through his talks, interviews, and profiles. Here's what we found.

On entrepreneurship

"Entrepreneurship is about turning what excites you in life into capital, so that you can do more of it and move forward with it." 

[Virgin, 2014]

On human interaction

"When I was young, every time I criticized someone, my mother would stand me in front of the mirror and say: 'The flaws you see in others are actually a reflection of yourself.' That taught me to pay close attention when I looked at others.

"[My parents] also taught me to listen and value other people's advice and opinions. So I have always applied this in business and tried to be a good leader and bring out the best in people by listening to them, trusting in them, believing in them, respecting them and letting them have a go!"

[The Gentleman's Journal, December 2012]

On purpose

"A business is simply an idea to make other people's lives better."

[Inc., April 2013]

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

Ferrari And Maserati Are Bright Spots In Fiat's Disappointing Earnings


maserati ghibli

Fiat reported second-quarter earnings today, and they disappointed.

A drop in year-over-year profits was chalked up to business issues in North and South America.

There were two notable bright spots, however: Ferrari and Maserati, Bloomberg reported.

"Fiat’s luxury division, which includes the Maserati and Ferrari brands, posted a 58 percent jump in earnings while deliveries almost tripled," wrote Bloomberg's Francesca Cinelli.

Neither brand has significant market share in the U.S., and Ferrari is selling about well this year as it did last year. Maserati, on the other hand, has seen sales rise a whopping 329% year-over-year through June, based on data tracked by the Wall Street Journal.

The brand is in the midst of expanding its lineup of vehicles. In the U.S., it established a beachhead with the stylish Quattraporte sedan, which starts at around $100,000. It rolled out the more compact Ghibli in 2013 (it starts at about $67,000) and will reportedly introduce an SUV in the next few years.

SEE ALSO: We Put A GoPro On A $315,000 Ferrari

SEE ALSO: Maserati Says This Car Represents The Future Of The Company

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Insane Video Shows 2 Women Almost Being Run Over By A Train


There are all sorts of good reasons to never, ever walk on railroad tracks. As you can see from the Associated Press video above, the chance that you'll be trapped on an 80-foot bridge with a coal train bearing down on you is one of them.

The women in the video ducked beneath the train (whose engineer had engaged its emergency brakes) and allowed it to roll above them. Leaping off a bridge this high is not advisable, so the women's decision probably saved their lives.

According to Newsday, the mishap is being investigated by Indiana authorities, and the women may be "prosecuted for criminal trespass."

SEE ALSO: http://www.businessinsider.com/warren-buffetts-burlington-bet-2013-1

SEE ALSO: Here's A Look At What CSX Moved Across Its Massive US Railroad Network

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Airbus Is Losing Out On A Major Opportunity In Japan



Airbus Group announced this week that it has cancelled an $1.7-billion order for six of its A380 superjumbos slated for Japanese low-cost carrier Skymark Airlines.

According to Bloomberg, the order fell apart due to concerns over the 18-year old airline's ability to actually afford the double-decker jet. 

The latest cancellation is a significant setback for Airbus on multiple fronts as the company struggles to gain a footing in the Boeing-dominated Japanese market.

For decades American-built airliners have monopolized Japanese aviation. Due to heavy investment in local firms, companies like Boeing have built great loyalty among Japanese carriers.

However, Airbus has recently made some headway in Japan. All Nippon Airlines placed a $3.3 billion order for 30 A320/321 narrowbody jets this March. JAL placed a landmark $9.5-billion order for 31 A350XWB airliners last October. 

When first announced in 2011, the Airbus-Skymark partnership represented a golden opportunity for the manufacturer to forge a strong relationship with a growing Japanese airline. However, the regional carrier — whose previous claim to fame involved a controversy over the length of its flight attendant's skirts — hasn't been profitable enough to support aircraft as large as the A380 on its domestic routes, although it does fly Airbus's 271-seat A330-300 widebody jet.

Western airlines generally use their big planes for long-haul or intercontinental routes. But due to the high passenger volume on certain domestic routes, Japanese airlines have long used jumbo jets like the Boeing 747. In fact, Boeing has even released special 500-seat-plus versions of its 747 jumbo jet that are customized for the Japan's domestic market.

Skymark Airlines Airbus A380 Order Announcement 2011Now that Airbus appears to have lost its only Japanese customer for the A380, and with none of the country's other airlines even willing to consider the aircraft, perhaps it's time to conclude that the superjumbo may be too big, even for Japan. 

The Airbus A380, launched in 2007 to great fanfare, has struggled over the past few years to achieve steady sales. Although Airbus as taken more than 300 orders for the jet, nearly half of them have come from one customer, Emirates. Other buyers, such as Virgin Atlantic Airways, have wavered over the financial feasibility of the huge jet.

Making things worse, Airbus has already assembled two of the six Skymark A380s that were to enter service later this year. So far, the company hasn't been able to find another airline to take the jets (the A380 has actually failed to attract a single new buyer in two years).

"It's hard to see how this ends," Richard Aboulafia, leading aviation consultant told Bloomberg. "They've got exactly one enthusiastic customer."

SEE ALSO: The 20 Best Airlines In The World

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This New Design For Airplane Seating Will Make Flights Much More Enjoyable



With this new airplane cabin design, flying will be more comfortable than ever.

Priestmangoode, the design firm responsible for rebranding Lufthansa and Turkish Airlines, has created a new cabin design — called "E2"— for Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer, according to Fast Company.

Airlines such as JetBlue, US Airways, and Virgin Australia use Embraer jets for some of their flights.

With E2, Priestmangoode aims to take an industry benchmark cabin and make it even better, by improving issues with seating space, carry-on storage, bathrooms, and more, according to a video about the project.

The E2 is expected to hit the airways in 2018, reports Fast Company.

The Embraer E2 cabin will have spacious seats that are also slimmer, which will make the plane lighter and allow for more free space inside the aircraft.


The seats in first class will be staggered, allowing the E2 to use the same seat track as the economy class without losing any luxuries.

Screen Shot 2014 07 30 at 12.58.39 PMYou won't have to worry about leaning over another passenger to put on your seat light: the new individual Personal Energy Supply Units (PSUs) allow you to control your air and light while remaining in your own space.

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New carry-on storage integrates with the cabin ceiling, giving it a much cleaner look.


Priestmangoode even managed to increase storage capacity by 40%, without sacrificing cabin space.

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Even the bathrooms received an upgrade, with acoustic curtains for privacy, handrails on internal walls, and an integrated diaper changing table.

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SEE ALSO: 22 Brilliant Insights From Richard Branson

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Tesla Might Need Blowout Earnings To Keep Shares From Tumbling


Estimize Tesla ChartThere’s no stock on the market that sparks more debate than Tesla Motors (TSLA). Naysayers have been bashing Tesla for years calling it a bubbly cult stock. Cheerleaders on the other side have been praising the infallibility of wunderkind Elon Musk. Plenty of money has been made and lost by traders betting on both sides of the coin. If you need any proof just take a quick look at the volatile history of Tesla’s stock price.


Shares of Tesla have bounced around quite a bit, and owning the stock is not for the faint of heart. The graph above from ChartIQ Visual Earnings shows the behavior of Tesla stock over the previous 5 quarters. Quarterly earnings report dates marked by the vertical dotted line are clear catalysts for price direction. Shares of Tesla have jumped higher in all 3 of the past 5 quarters when the company beat the earnings consensus from Estimize.com. The stock price went in reverse the times when Tesla missed.

Estimize Tesla ChartLast quarter Tesla beat the Wall Street consensus, but came up short against the consensus from Estimize. When a company misses the Estimize consensus more often than not the stock price declines over the next 3 days, regardless of how the company performs relative to the Wall Street consensus. In early May shares of Tesla fell 10% overnight when not-strong-enough FQ1 2014 earnings were announced.

Although Tesla had a bit of a slip up last quarter, things have more or less been moving along according to plan. Tesla is still a relatively young company, and is producing vehicles that generate hype never enjoyed before by electric cars. So far Elon Musk’s strategy of starting with a luxury car (Model S) first, then expanding to more affordable, practical vehicles seems to be progressing without much of a hitch.

Estimize Tesla ChartA few quarters back Tesla found excessive demand for the Model S, but couldn’t keep up with the supply constraint of producing enough lithium-ion batteries.

Being the real life Iron Man that he is, Elon Musk wouldn’t let a battery constraint halt his dream of getting the world off fossil fuel dependence. In February Tesla announced it would be building a $5 billion “Gigafactory” to produce the much coveted batteries. A report Monday in the Nikkei Asian Review suggests that Tesla may have come to an investment agreement with Panasonic. It’s rumored that Panasonic will be making an initial investment between $200 million and $300 million dollars to help get construction of the facility underway. Tesla has pushed dates back a few times, but has committed to delivering the Model X crossover in the second quarter of 2015, and the planned $35,000 Model 3 sometime in 2017.

As for now, Tesla is continuing to sell only one car, the Model S. Here’s what contributing analysts on Estimize.com are expecting from Tesla’s FQ2 2014 earnings report on Thursday, July 31st after the market closes.

Estimize Tesla ChartThis quarter 86 contributing analysts on Estimize.com have come to a consensus estimate of 12c in earnings per share and $797.51 million in revenue. Meanwhile Wall Street is looking for 4c EPS and $801.82 million in revenue. The Estimize community is looking for Tesla to beat the Wall Street consensus on EPS by a hefty margin while coming up about $4 million (<1%) shy on revenue.

Estimize Tesla ChartEstimize is a completely open and free platform for anyone to contribute. The base of contributing analysts on the platform includes hedge fund analysts, asset managers, independent research shops, non professional investors, and students. The goal of the platform is to create the earnings consensus which best represents the market’s true expectations.

Providing an earnings consensus that represents the market’s real expectations is one area where Wall Street fails miserably. Wall Street is notorious for setting the bar too low because of the perverse incentives which come from investment banking and corporate access pressures. On average 70% of companies reporting earnings beat the Street’s forecast. If Wall Street was honest with its expectations, that number would be much closer to 50%.

Some contributing analysts use full earnings models in Excel to come up with their estimates. Others make estimates based on a hunch, or because they see long lines at Chipotle during their lunch break. At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter how analysts come to their estimates. A combination of algorithms ensures that the data is not only clean and free from people attempting to game the system, but also weighs past performance and many other factors to gauge future accuracy.

Estimize Tesla ChartAs mentioned previously, the stock price movement in Tesla is highly correlated with how the company reports earnings relative to the Estimize consensus. This quarter contributing analysts on the platform are willing to cut Tesla some slack on sales, but are expecting an EPS number that is significantly higher than Wall Street is looking for. As mentioned previously, this same situation occurred last quarter and the share price of Tesla fell as the company failed to meet the real earnings consensus from investors. On Thursday investors are looking for earnings of 12 cents per share.

Estimize Tesla ChartHead over to Estimize.com/calendar to follow the most comprehensive earnings season calendar on the web featuring consensus estimates from Wall Street and the Estimize community.

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Britain Is Finally Set To Unleash Driverless Cars On Its Public Roads



British Business Secretary Vince Cable has announced plans for driverless cars to hit the country's roads as early as January of next year. 

"Today's announcement will see driverless cars take to our streets in less than six months, putting us at the forefront of this transformational technology and opening up new opportunities for our economy and society,"Cable told the BBC

As part of the UK government's plan, cities around the country can bid to become one of three hosts for an 18-36 month driverless car trial program. Participating cities will also receive portions of the $17 million allocated for the program, reports Relaxnews

Some have criticized Britain for being behind the curve in the development of driverless cars. Volvo in Sweden, Nissan in Japan, and of course Google in the U.S. have already conducted hundred of thousands of miles of road testing.

Driverless vehicles, in the form of laser-guided ULTra transport pods, are already in service at London's Heathrow Airport. Elsewhere in England, the city of Milton Keynes unveiled plans last year for the installation of 100 autonomous pods by 2017. The pods are expected to drive in specially designated lanes and will include manual controls should the passenger wish to take control. Unlike the Heathrow pods, the Milton Keynes pods will be guided by satellite. 

Because it's so early in the process, it is unclear what form the driverless cars will take, who the manufacturers will be, and which cities will take part. 

To get an idea of what Britain is in for, here is a video that outlines the proposed autonomous pods that are to be installed in Milton Keynes.  

SEE ALSO: This Study Revealed The Staggering Potential Of Self-Driving Cars

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A Cold War Comeback Could Turbocharge The California Space Industry


SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Photo Credit SpaceX Posted on AmericaSpace

Vladimir Putin has become an alarming figure in the West. But one person thinks that the Russian president's actions could be a boon for the resurgent California space industry.

At Zocalo Public Square, Joe Mathews writes:

It is the military-industry complex where the opportunity for a Putin-inspired California comeback is greatest. The aerospace industry made the state a success—and brought millions into the middle class (including my grandmother, a line worker at North American Aviation), produced innovations from propeller-driven airplanes to satellites, and remade the state’s culture (historian Peter Westwick has shown how modern surfing owes a debt to aerospace engineers). Today, the industry is smaller but still cutting-edge, producing drones, satellites for commercial purposes, and space start-ups like Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

He goes on to compare Putin's provocations to the launch of Sputnik in 1957 — an event that is widely credited with heating up the Cold War and spurring a space race between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. that culminated in an American being the first human to walk on the Moon.

To fund a rapid revival of the space business in California, he goes on to suggest a "Putin Tax" on "hard liquor, cigarettes, oil, and big houses."

This is classic "opportunity in crisis" thinking and, for what it's worth, Mathews is probably right that the aerospace industry in California hasn't been the same since the Cold War ended. Absent major geopolitical changes, it was likely to enjoy gradual, limited growth. But with Putin in charge of what's left of a once daunting U.S. rival, major geopolitical change may be on the horizon.

SEE ALSO: SpaceX And China Are Putting Pressure On The European Space Industry

SEE ALSO: Why Putin Is Not Panicking

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Consumers Say 'Old GM' Is History, But They're Still Unsure About GM Quality


gm general motors american flag

It's not your father's General Motors.

That's the takeaway from a Kelly Blue Book Market Intelligence survey of new car shoppers who use KBB.com. According to data compiled by the firm, 50% of potential buyers think GM is a different company than its was five years ago.

Bailouts and bankruptcy in 2009 clearly had an effect on how consumers perceive America's biggest carmaker.

Of KBB.com shoppers surveyed, 24% don't think GM is different and 26% were "unsure" or "didn't know."

The takeaway from those numbers is that GM obviously has room to improve consumers' view of the company.

“Despite challenges with the recall announcements, General Motors CEO Mary Barra has successfully positioned the brand in a positive light,” said Tony Lim, director of research for KBB.com in a statement.

However, the survey also revealed that only 39% of respondents think the reliability of GM vehicles has improved since the financial crisis. A significant 32% don't think quality has improved, while 29% didn't respond with a clear thumbs up or thumbs down.

The bottom line is that the GM brand looks to be in better shape than before the Detroit Meltdown of 2008-2009, a development that should encourage the carmaker in the face of its current massive recall. But GM product continues to struggle to achieve the same level of satisfaction as GM's rivals.

SEE ALSO: Europe Is Finally Turning Around For GM And Ford

SEE ALSO: GM Dealers Are Loving All Of These Recalls

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The Biggest RVs On The Market


Whether driving on a road trip or camping in a park, if you're traveling in a Recreational Vehicle (RV) you can expect space to feel tight. To really enjoy your time traveling, you'll want a spacious vehicle to fit the whole family. 

We compiled a list of the biggest RVs currently on the market, thanks to the experts at FindTheBest. They looked at sleeping capacity, length, and interior height to determine which massive RVs would make the cut.

Winnebago Minnie Winnie1. 2014 Winnebago Minnie Winnie & Minnie Winnie Premier

This Winnebago has three beds, a kitchen, bathroom, and dining table, and can sleep up to eight people.

2. 2014 Thor Motor Coach Chateau Super C

The 2014 Thor Motor Coach Chateau Super C also sleeps eight people and features a private, closed off bedroom area with two closets. The freshwater tank holds up to 75 gallons, so water will last long without causing inconveniences. 

3. 2014 Thor Motor Coach Four Winds Super C

The Chateau Super C and Four Winds Super C are nearly identical in size and layout. Both RVs sleep eight people, are 34 feet in length, and 82 inches in interior height. 

4. 2014 Coachmen Freelander (450 Ford)

The Coachmen Freelander is 28 feet in length and sleeps seven people. It includes basic RV features like day and night shades, air conditioning, and heating. 

Coachmen Leprechaun RV5. 2014 Coachmen Leprechaun (450 Ford)

The Coachmen Leprechaun is just five inches longer than the Freelander, with similar layout and design. The bathrooms in these RVs have standing showers, skylights, toilets, and sinks.  

6. 2014 Forest River Georgetown XL

Sleeping arrangements on the 2014 Forest River Georgetown XL include one queen sized bed, two twin beds, and a pull out sofa. Other bonus features are LED lighting, and ceiling vent fans. 

7. 2014 Fleetwood Expedition

RV 2014 Thor Motor Coach

The Fleetwood Expedition is the longest RV around at 38 feet and 7.5 inches. The kitchen area is spacious, with a microwave, oven, and 3-burner stove to cook with.

8. 2014 Thor Motor Coach A.C.E.

The Thor Motor Coach A.C.E. is 28 feet long and 84 inches tall inside. There are multiple interior decorating options, and the external body is made out of fiberglass, which is typically easier to repair. 

SEE ALSO: The 10 Best Baby Strollers On The Market

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VW Will Create A Special Management Team To Be More Like Apple


2015 VW Golf R

Volkswagen reported second-quarter earnings today that beat estimates.

Earnings actually fell 3.1%, but that wasn't as bad as analysts expected, Bloomberg's Christophe Rauwald reported.

What's intriguing is that VW wants to change its corporate metabolism to be more like...Apple. It can take years for an automaker to bring a new car from development to production, which can leave consumers feeling that a manufacturer's lineup is stale.

According to Bloomberg's Rauwald, "[T]he world’s No. 2 carmaker is mobilizing a team of 40 to 60 top managers to accelerate vehicle and technology development to mimic the fast-paced rollouts of consumer electronics companies like Apple Inc."

Earlier this month, Rauwald reported on VW's decision to establish the managerial "task force" to accomplish this goal. There's no question that the world's automakers are grappling with the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and trying to avoid being left in the dust. Ford, for example, just announced that it will be sponsoring an app developer conference in September.

And Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently enthused over software updates to the Model S sedan that will, among other things, enable owners to name their cars.

This is going to be a major theme in the auto industry over the next few years.

SEE ALSO: Toyota Is On The Verge Of Losing Its Global Sales Crown To VW

SEE ALSO: Everyone Loves Apple Once Again

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Take The Arduous, 17-Hour Train Trip To Mauritania's Remote Iron Mines [PHOTOS]


SNIM MauritaniaOn Tuesday, Mauritania and its partly government-run ore mining company, SNIM, reported that they expect to make 13 million tons of iron ore in 2014. That's a lot of iron. 

A majority of the iron ore in the North African country is found in its vast deserts, which are isolated from the major shipping ports on its coast. How does the ore get to the ports, and how do the laborers, who come from all over all the world for the promise of work, get to the mines? They take the train, of course. 

The journey starts in Nouadhibou, the second largest city in Mauritania and a major trade port.

Huge ships come from all over the world to pick up loads of freight. Nouadhibou is also home to many retired and abandoned ships, and is known as the world's largest ship graveyard.


Nouadhibou is the western end of the Mauritania Railway. From here, the tracks run deep into the desert, some 437 miles.


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How Tesla Went From Near Failure To Stunning Profitability In Just A Few Years (TSLA)


tesla elon muskTesla Motors announces quarterly earnings after the bell on Thursday.

It's only the 17th quarterly filing in the company's history.

But in the past two years, the firm has seen some remarkable milestones: It's now sold tens of thousands of cars, employs nearly 6,000 people around the world, and has plans to double the world's supply of lithium-ion batteries. Meanwhile, shares have climbed over 1,000% since its IPO.

The company hasn't always looked this good.

It nearly collapsed during the financial crisis and had to settle with one of its cofounders. A negative review from The New York Times last year prompted CEO Elon Musk to take to Twitter and appear on CNBC and Bloomberg TV to criticize the review. Its stock was battered at the time.

Here, we take a look at the company's origins, the drama among its founders, its near collapse, and the development of its Roadster, Model S, and Model X cars.

Tesla Motors was founded in 2003 by five Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.

Marc Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard founded Tesla Motors in 2003. Elon Musk came on board in 2004 and they collaborated after trying to commercialize the T-Zero prototype electric sports car created by AC Propulsion. The company was named after electrical engineer Nikola Tesla, and aimed to "accelerate the world’s transition to electric mobility with a full range of increasingly affordable electric cars."

Source: Tesla/NPR

The Tesla Roadster prototype was introduced to the public in 2006 and general production began in 2008.

Tesla raised $60 million and spent about $25 million developing its two-seat Roadster, which sold for $109,000. The Roadster went from zero to 60 miles per hour in 4 seconds and can go 250 miles on a single charge.

The Roadster came 10 years after General Motors introduced its two-seat electric car, the EV-1, which GM eventually withdrew because it had a 100-mile limit on one charge.

Source: The New York Times

Tesla's initial plan to make it to mass market was to sell to rich people first.

Martin Eberhard, former CEO of Tesla, was quoted by The New York Times:

"Cellphones, refrigerators, color TV’s, they didn’t start off by making a low-end product for masses," he said. "They were relatively expensive, for people who could afford it. The companies that sold those products at first, he said, did so “not because they were stupid and they thought the real market was at the high end of the market,’ but because that was how to get production started. His company and others that have tried electric cars, he said, are too small to produce by the tens of thousands anyway.”

And Elon Musk has always maintained that its goal is to create a mass-market electric vehicle that could be as cheap as $20,000 in third-generation cars.

Until 2008, most car sales were done in person, over the phone or online. 

Source: The New York Times

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